What future will bring

I wanted to write a poetic post about life changes, chosen opportunities and vital decisions. How life is a road; experience, the bag of pearls that remain after everything else is gone. And how a bad day later becomes the key learning that allows you to mature and go on.

But it didn´t work, maybe because my head was just too tired after a March 31st I will remember for a long time. Objectively, it's pretty simple to explain: today is my last day full-time at Denodo; the day 24symbols released the beta version, and the day I really start helping out in this company.

But the subjective part is most important to me.

I leave (though not completely) a company that has defined my professional profile. Where I´ve learnt what an innovative enterprise is, and what a desire to change the world really means. A company that allowed me to have a vital experience in California, where I've managed international teams, led technical opportunities, trained great professionals, created and managed knowledge, discussed with Analysts, Enterprise Architects, CIOs, CTOs and CEOs of big multinational companies (some of which I was actually right! :) ) and, above all, worked with a team of world-class talents (and you know who you are! :) )

And now I'll be working in a company started by other three partners and me with an idea, and the belief that we have the ability to successfully execute it. An international project that has investors supporting us to death, a top-notch team and expectations I don´t even dare to look at directly in case I fall to the floor. A project that will make me grow as a professional and that I am already enjoying like a kid. 

The present is exciting. To take books and reading to new heights. To continue collaborating in order to make Data Virtualization an integral component of enterprise ecosystems. To return some of this knowledge and experience to the new generations. And to keep helping friends, colleagues and significant others :) with all my free-time support. Regarding the future, I hope you'll still read it in this blog!

Denodo people, I'll keep seeing you and talking to you once a week. 24symbols gang, we just gave the first step, now we're going to give it all!!!


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