Marketing estratégico: definición del producto. Un caso práctico (IV)
Un Plan de Márketing es un documento vivo, pero hace falta empezar por la definición del producto o servicio, así que la expongo a continuación. No es todavía la explicación "oficial" de lo que hace el producto, ni el posicionamiento, sino una definición de lo que pretendo que el producto (en este caso, más un servicio), haga. No intento que se parezca a un producto "real", y soy consciente de que es discutible que tal y como está enfocado tenga una utilidad pasmosa (aunque creo que con un poco más de chicha la cosa cambiaría). Sin embargo, el objetivo del ejercicio no es tanto eso como el ser capaz de crear el plan de marketing.
The service provided allows NGOs and social entrepreneurs (SEs) to visualize, receive and publish custom-made reports created from the combination and transformation of data from public web sites. This service will "keep you informed of everything that REALLY MATTERS (to you)".
The decisions that NGOs and social entrepreneurs must make every day, both strategically and tactically, are not much different from the ones taken by for-profit companies, organizations and lobbies. They need to retrieve information provided by different sources, such as news, reports, social networks, regulations, and so on, and process it (manually most of the times) in order to help them make a decision.
The main challenge is that most NGOs and SEs, even the smallest ones, must face extremely complex problems that encompass regulatory, political, social and scientific issues at once (e.g. imagine social health care in small villages, or volunteering in retirement houses). These associations do not usually have the resources for-profits have to surgically track all that information down so that optimization of the resources can take place.
But the information is there. Most of it is public by means of web access.
The service offered will allow users to create custom reports based on information obtained from different web-based data sources. Off-the-shelf reports will be available for small NGOs that require just the basic information to get going, while the tool will let users define their own reports by combining information from those sources, available in a catalog, and ever growing, to create added-value results.
The benefit the user gets is direct: many NGOs and SEs require information from very similar sources. A single place that enables them to access them in an affordable way is naturally good, but if those data sources could be combined together so that the user creates their own custom reports with specific transformations that serve them, this might become a strategic tool for many projects.
A esta presentación le quedan muchas cosas, pero la esencia está ahí. Necesito encontrar una introducción más corta, y, obviamente, que esta definición no deje dudas, sino "ganas". ¿Algún comentario? Quizá la pregunta más evidente que ahora puedo hacer es, leyendo esta descripción, ¿tenéis idea de lo que el plan presenta, o no hay manera? ;)
The service provided allows NGOs and social entrepreneurs (SEs) to visualize, receive and publish custom-made reports created from the combination and transformation of data from public web sites. This service will "keep you informed of everything that REALLY MATTERS (to you)".
The decisions that NGOs and social entrepreneurs must make every day, both strategically and tactically, are not much different from the ones taken by for-profit companies, organizations and lobbies. They need to retrieve information provided by different sources, such as news, reports, social networks, regulations, and so on, and process it (manually most of the times) in order to help them make a decision.
The main challenge is that most NGOs and SEs, even the smallest ones, must face extremely complex problems that encompass regulatory, political, social and scientific issues at once (e.g. imagine social health care in small villages, or volunteering in retirement houses). These associations do not usually have the resources for-profits have to surgically track all that information down so that optimization of the resources can take place.
But the information is there. Most of it is public by means of web access.
The service offered will allow users to create custom reports based on information obtained from different web-based data sources. Off-the-shelf reports will be available for small NGOs that require just the basic information to get going, while the tool will let users define their own reports by combining information from those sources, available in a catalog, and ever growing, to create added-value results.
The benefit the user gets is direct: many NGOs and SEs require information from very similar sources. A single place that enables them to access them in an affordable way is naturally good, but if those data sources could be combined together so that the user creates their own custom reports with specific transformations that serve them, this might become a strategic tool for many projects.
A esta presentación le quedan muchas cosas, pero la esencia está ahí. Necesito encontrar una introducción más corta, y, obviamente, que esta definición no deje dudas, sino "ganas". ¿Algún comentario? Quizá la pregunta más evidente que ahora puedo hacer es, leyendo esta descripción, ¿tenéis idea de lo que el plan presenta, o no hay manera? ;)